Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kalidasa Syndrome

We Indians suffer from what I call "Kalidas Syndrome"- always trying to cut the branch you sit in!

Consider this, the Hindus (and for that matter probably the Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains) who are responsible for all that is liberal and secular in this country have to look over their back if they so much as to whisper that they are proud of their faith! Isn't it ironical,? The only reason why India is still a secular country is that India is a Hindu majority country. Probably it is only one of the few rare countries in the world (apart from the communist countries) which is officially secular.

The reason is not something which is complicated and you don't have to see far if you want to analyse what would happen if any other religion would have been the majority population what would have been the consequence. Pakistan and Banladesh, both carved out of India were promptly declared as Mulsim countries soon after their nation formation. We have only one state in India with a majority other than Hindus and where all the Pandits have been driven out of state! To any sane and logical minds it is very obvious why India is secular and why in 27 states out of 28 there has not been any instance where the minority community has been forced out of the state.

Even after all that is so obvious, the moment a Hindu starts thinking himself as Hindu, he is immediately castigated as communal. We have all kinds of muslim leaders (very prominent example is Madni) who have been sympathetic and even supportive of muslim terrorist organisation like Taliban but with whom the leaders of parties like CPI have no qualms about sharing a dias with. But the moment it comes to a Hindu sympathetic leader, these same parties immediately start shouting from the top of their voice about their communal attitude and how communal any party who is sympathetic to them is.

We have leaders like Ram Vilas Paswan who wants to legalise the illegal migrants from neighbouring Bangladesh, and we have our Prime Minister saying that Minorities (or was it Muslims?) have the first right the the resources of India! We have leaders like Mulayam Singh and Lalu bending over their backs to woo the minority votes. And yes - all these leaders are the torch bearers of the "Secular" brigade! And giving support by all means are the so called intellectuals like Prannoy Roy, Rajdeep Sardesai, Teesta Setalvad, Medha patkar and the like. We have the so called oldest party of India which didn't think twice about having two different civil laws for Muslims and the rest! Do any of the countries- US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Thailand or China have any provision of dual laws for two citizens of the same country- but yes we do have it in India thanks to the minority appeasement policy of Congress (I).

Does any one of these have even an inkling that if even if a semblance of the demographic change happens to what is happening in the bordering areas of Assam, W Bengal and Bihar, they can very well forget all their independent views and secular rantings? The very first edifice which will fall is the "secular" notion if at all this happens anytime in future.

All these people are happily pretending blind to all that is obvious, as long as they get classified as intellectuals, as long as they keep getting the chunk of votes they aim for. And yes, we the Indians who close our eyes to so many other faults, happily bury our heads in sand like an ostrich. Kalidasa was after all born in this same country and it is quite natural that all Indian would be influence to a lesser or a larger scale by the "Kalidasa Syndrome"